About us [ welcome to the EcoFxTrek LTD ]

Our company business is focused on research and development of solutions for minning applications and asset management solutions based on the latest AI technologies.

EcoFxTrek LTD team works on design and implementation of a complex and powerful solutions for minning system that involves market data analysis, algorithm generation, and timely execution of crypto currency exchange transactions.

EcoFxTrek LTD - Video Presentation
EcoFxTrek LTD

EcoFxTrek LTD main product is a solutions for minning bot, an advanced software solution for mining that employs sophisticated strategies, leveraging statistical and computation methods to find and exploit price differences of various crypto assets at different market venues.

Our bot was thoroughly tested, been proven to work and bring extraordinary results. However, our developer team went even further and came up with an idea of entirely new, revolutionary approach. We have designed and implemented a decentralized mining bot network based on contracted servers (Nodes). Each node in the network has a bot software with machine learning algorithms installed and can operate independently within the general mining policy and protocols of EcoFxTrek LTD system. All nodes maintain the database of all mining and open orders of the entire system and have daily software upgrades to include newly AI invented mining algorithms. The developed infrastructure has dramatically increased EcoFxTrek LTD computation capacity, allowing us to analyze vast amounts of market data to identify complex patterns and predict future price movements, as well as conduct high frequency mining on a large scale. The system has significantly reduced our exposure to all types of risks and increased the number of programmed miners with huge volume of profit obtained on a daily basis.

EcoFxTrek LTD is a registered France financial service compliant with all government rules and regulations.

[ COMPANY address ]

Rd, Newtonmore, Kingussie PH20 1AY, United Kingdom


[ roadmap ]

EcoFxTrek LTD ultimate challenge is to scale the newly designed mining bot network operations and capitalize on its unique technical advantages.

Our tentative marketing plan is aimed both at the actual expansion of existing bot network by commissioning more nodes, and at making our mining and analytical capacities available for individual and institutional investors and partners on mutually beneficial terms.

2024 Q1

Final tests of arbitrage bot network. Development of online platform for individual and corporate investors

2024 Q2

The grand launch of online investment facility. Attracting private capital for global expansion. Commencement of crypto asset management service for individual investors in beta-test mode.

2024 Q3

Scaling the bot network up to 1,000+ nodes, establishing strategic partnership with key industry players:

  • Contracting new bot nodes
  • Attracting network marketing leaders
  • Global awareness campaign
2024 Q4

Enhancing EcoFxTrek LTD mining and asset management system to global market making capacities:

  • Developing advanced mining algorithms
  • Raising operational crypto reserves
  • Contesting for market leadership positions

Benefits [ of mining with us ]


We provide for the highest level of data protection with the best encryption and security tools.

[ 24/7 SUPPORT ]

Dedicated round-the-clock professional customer support personnel ready to address your needs and concerns.


The interest rates we offer are reasonable & sustainable in the long term as they are based on real mining results.


Your interest rate varies daily according to specific algorithm depending on mining results.

Get started [ with EcoFxTrek LTD ]

Experience the power of artificial intelligence with risk free solutions for solutions for minning .